Mystery Blogger Award Tag

A big THANK YOU to the lovely Jenny In Neverland for the nomination to take part in the Mystery Blogger Award Tag and thought it would be so fun to create my own post and nominate more people!

The Mystery Blogger Award is a tag created by Okoto Enigma as a way for bloggers to connect and find out more about each other and the rules are as follows:mystery blogger tag

  1. Put the award logo/image in your post.
  2. List all the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
  4. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10-20 people and notify them.
  6.  Link back to the creator of the award.
  7. Ask nominees any 5 questions of your choice, with a weird or funny question.
  8. Share the link to your best/favourite post of yours.

3 things about myself:

  1. I have just finished studying Law and Business Studies in Sixth Form!
  2. My favourite country in the world is the USA and I’m so lucky to have lots of family living in different states!
  3. I work in a Mediterranean restaurant and although it’s stressful I love it!

Here are my answers to Jenny’s questions:

  • If you could make a live-action re-make of your favourite Disney film, who would be your dream cast? (If it’s one that’s been made already, is there anyone you would change?)

I think my favourite film is probably The Lion King, if there was any way of creating this with humans I would love the cast to include Margot Robbie, Blake Lively, Ryan Gosling, Adam Sandler, Will Smith, Jonah Hill, Dwayne Johnson and Leonardo Dicaprio.

  • If you wrote a book, which genre would you chose and why?

Probably a crime/psychological thriller because that’s the genre I usually read and find the most interesting!

  • Which Disney character would you love to be best friends with?

Probably Belle so I could visit her library in the castle! Or Minnie Mouse or Tinkerbell, tough choice!

  • Someone gives you £5,000, you’re not allowed to save it, what do you spend it on?

Probably on a holiday, rent a big beautiful house in Hawaii and buy extra baggage allowance so I could take a huge supply of books!!

  • If you could create a selection of products, what type of products would they be (beauty, fashion, homeware etc etc) and what would you call your range?

Hmmm, maybe a pot of face cream which once applied turns into perfect makeup, foundation, concealer, bronzer, highlight, eye makeup, lipstick… the lot!! And it would have to be called, The Lazy Persons Solution to Perfect Makeup!

My Nominee’s: (please check them all out and give them a follow!)

If In Doubt Read

The Book Worms Fantasy

Misti Moo Book Review

Chapter In My Life

Novel Deelights

Barbara Copperthwaite

Ronnie Turner

Questions to nominee’s:

  1. Where is your favourite place in the world and why?
  2. If you could trade reading for a year for £2million, would you?
  3. What’s your favourite film and why?
  4. If someone were to buy you a gift, what would be the perfect item?
  5. What are your interests apart from reading and blogging?

If you’ve read this blog post and not been nominated but would like to take part then please do!! I cannot wait to read all your posts!

5 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award Tag

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  1. I love these posts where you find out info. They are awesome! My fav food is Mediterranean, got excited when I saw you work in a Med restaurant lol


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